
Complete Tools


JSON Tree Viewer

Display JSON in a tree view and syntax highlighting

JSON Tools
Icon Style
Indent Width
Collapse Branches
Collapse Strings After Length
Group Arrays After Length

What is Online JSON Tree Viewer?

JSON Tree Viewer is a free web tool that converts raw JSON data into a JSON tree display. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a tree-like data format that allows subbranches to nest within parent branches.

This tool will be the best choice for you if you have raw object or array data that you want to explore in a JSON tree view. With inline editing tools, you may collapse or enlarge each branch, as well as add, edit, or delete items.

JSON tree view has 37 different color themes, some of which are light and some of which are dark. You can choose any of them based on your requirements.

In the JSON tree view, you can change a lot of things. Data counts and types can be displayed right before each data point, and you can simply adjust the expand/collapse boundaries by choosing from a menu of options.

You can also adjust the indent size and readability to suit your needs. You can enable clipboard and get data from the required node if you need specific data from a custom branch.

How to use Online JSON Tree Viewer?

Follow these instructions to see your raw JSON object or array in JSON tree view.

  1. Fill in the input field with your raw JSON data. It may or may not be properly formatted. You don't have to worry about formatting because the tool will do it for you.
  2. Choose your themes and adjust the parameters to suit your needs. CRUD operations can be enabled or disabled at any moment.
  3. In the tree view, begin exploring your data.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • To edit a value, try ctrl/cmd + click enter edit mode.
  • When editing a value, try ctrl/cmd + Enter to submit changes.
  • When editing a value, try Escape key to cancel.
  • When adding a new key, try Enter to submit.
  • When adding a new key, try Escape to cancel.



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