
Complete Tools


Dummy Text Generator

Create dummy text for lorem ipsum in HTML, markdown, or plain text

Text Tools
Number of WordsNumber of ParagraphsAdditional Options

How Does Dummy Text Generator Work?

Dummy Text Generator can generate random text using Lorem Ipsum or blocks. Dummy text consisting of lorem ipsum is useful when as a placeholder text in UI design, web design mockups, web page layouts, etc.

You may easily include dummy text generated as content in your design mockups and then replace it with more appropriate text for the product afterwards. Instead of coming up with a flawless copy to include in your design, you may quickly prototype with random placeholder text.

You can alternatively use a blocks text generator, which creates a string of blocks that don't contain any text but fill in the text space. When designing for languages other than English, or when you don't want to use the default lorem ipsum text in your design, this can be handy.

To generate your dummy text in several formats, use the HTML or markdown option. When you select the Content for Article option, we also incorporate suitable HTML tags, title, and list elements in HTML dummy text. When constructing a website with a blog or various content pages, this is excellent for filling in dummy articles or content on pages.

Our dummy text generator also lets you specify the number of random words you wish to generate, as well as the number of paragraphs the generated text should be broken into.

How to use Online Dummy Text Generator?

  • You can create dummy text in plain text, markdown, and HTML with this application.
  • From the menu, choose a generator, such as Lorem Ipsum or Blocks.
  • You can specify the quantity of words and paragraphs you want to generate.
  • The tool will create material that is close to the quantity of words you specify.
  • You can enable article mode, which will add articles to the dummy material such as headings, lists, and so on.
  • Once you're happy with the fake material, you can duplicate it by switching tabs between plain text, markdown, and HTML.
  • In language-neutral UI mockups, Blocks created dummy content is useful.
  • We don't save any of the content you create, and everything takes place entirely within your browser.


  • getlorem: A universal module for generating Lorem Ipsum placeholder text.
  • marked: A markdown parser and compiler, built for speed.
  • prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
  • js-beautify: Beautifier for javascript.


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