
Complete Tools


Image Tools

Image Resizer

Resize any image to the required width and height, whether or not the aspect ratio is preserved

Text to Handwriting Converter

Convert your text to handwriting using the paper type and ink color of your choice

Text on Image Writer

Online tool to add text on images and save it in JPG or PNG format

Solid Color Image Generator

Create a single JPG or PNG file with a solid color image

All Image Tools

Text Tools

Multiple Whitespace Remover

Multiple whitespaces and line breaks are removed from a text, as well as unwanted characters

Word Counter

Count words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in a text

Markdown Editor

Markdown editor online with real-time preview

Dummy Text Generator

Create dummy text for lorem ipsum in HTML, markdown, or plain text

Keyboard Tools

Keycode Table

All key codes and their accompanying data are listed in a table

Keycode Info

What keys correspond to which keycodes?

Password Tools

Memorable Password Generator

Create passwords that are both strong and easy to remember

Secure Password Generator

Create long and safe passwords using alphanumeric characters

CSV Tools


Online CSV to JSON converter


Online JSON to CSV converter

JSON Tools


Online CSV to JSON converter


Online JSON to CSV converter

JSON Tree Viewer

Display JSON in a tree view and syntax highlighting

Finance Tools

CAGR Calculator

Calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate and its components

Hourly Rate Calculator

Calculate hourly rate based on annual salary and working time

QR Code Tools

Phone QR Code Generator

Create a QR code for your phone

Twitter QR Code Generator

Create a Twitter QR code

Bitcoin QR Code Generator

Create a Bitcoin QR code

Wifi QR Code Generator

Wifi QR code generator

CSS Tools

CSS Box Shadow Generator

Create box shadows with CSS code

Browser Tools

Browser Detector

Examine the browser you're using

Social Tools

Vimeo Thumbnail Grabber

Get all of a Vimeo video's thumbnail pictures

Youtube Thumbnail Grabber

Get all of a YouTube video's thumbnail pictures

Color Tools

Color Palette Extractor

Create a color palette by extracting colors from an image

Material Color Generator

Create a variety of material colors at random

Dull Color Generator

Make a bunch of drab colors at random

Pastel Color Generator

Generate random pastel colors

Complete Tools

Copyright © 2022 - 2024 Complete Tools. Unless otherwise noted, all code MIT license.

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